List Files

Files - Lists menu

Each report lists the most significant permanent data from one of the Encore master files.
Begin printing reports by viewing and entering a list of run-time Report Options. User may Change the option settings, then select Save to save the settings. Each user has his own settings for each report.
User may choose from up to 40 printers or directly to Screen, Archive, or Disk. A disk file can be created in Text, HTML, Excel, or PDF format and can be forwarded to Email or Fax.
Report programs display a standard window while the report is in progress that indicates the selected printer, current record, and page number.

Run-time options Printer selection Report-in-progress Email launch Print preview
Sample Run-Time Options Sample Printer Selection Sample Report in Progress Sample Email Sample Print Preview (print to screen)

Customer Master List Customer Master List
Sort by Number, Name, ZipCode, or Salesman.
Output Master List or Name/Address Labels.

Product Master List Product Master List
Sort by Number, Class, Vendor, or Category.
Output Master List or Labels.

Vendor Master List Vendor Master List
Sort by Number, Name, or ZipCode.
Output Master List or Name/Address Labels.

Salesman Master List Salesman Master List

G/L Accounts Master List G/L Accounts Master List

Sales Rep Master List Sales Rep Master List

Job Site Master List Job Site Master List

Secondary Vendor Master List

Substitute Products Master List Substitute Products Master List

Kit Master List Kit Master List

Customer Mailing Addresses List Customer Mailing Addresses List

Customer Phonebook List Customer Phonebook List